Disease Control

Disease Control 1The presence of lawn diseases is often a sign of stressors affecting the overall health and vigor of your lawn. Environmental factors and maintenance practices may be contributing to promoting these diseases. Soil-borne fungi account for most of the diseases affecting turf. These fungi are more likely to infect a stressed plant.


Cultural and care practices, including improper watering, excessive fertilizer or herbicide use, frequent low mowing, and dull mower blades, are some common issues that contribute to plant stress, increasing vulnerability to disease.

Environmental stressors include but are not limited to: compacted soil, soil salinity, weather extremes, shade, and competition with other vegetation for resources.


If you are seeing patches, rings, or thinning grass, you could have a lawn disease or insect problem. Many disease and insect problems can look very similar to other environmental stresses. Every situation is different, and, before we recommend treatment, we need to know what we are dealing with. Fungicides will reduce the damage to the turf, but excessive use can also have a negative impact on beneficial fungi. In many cases, cultural or environmental changes will be advised with or in place of fungicide treatments. Our Certified Lawn Experts will:

  • Properly diagnose the lawn disease or insect problem.
  • Carefully formulate a plan to target your lawn’s specific disease or insect problem.
  • Offer either a preventative treatment or a curative treatment when problems already exist, depending on the lawn disease or insect problem.